Amelia Sweet

B.A. Chemistry, 2020, St. Mary's University of Minnesota, Winona, Minnesota
Joined group in January 2021

I'm from Prescott, a small town in Wisconsin. I did some computational research on tungsten polyoxometalates during undergrad. Here at the university of Iowa I work on the D3TaLES project, which is focused on redox flow batteries. In my free time I enjoy cooking (and eating) Russian food, running, and playing piano.

Logan Augustine

B.S. in Chemistry with Minor in Mathematics, Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, TN
Joined group in December 2018

I am from the Des Moines suburb, Urbandale, Iowa.  I headed down to Tennessee for a few years for my undergrad before making my way back to Iowa.  My undergraduate research involved producing excitation functions for a nuclear transmutation reaction. Joining the Mason group has allowed me to combine all my interest of physical, inorganic, and materials chemistry.  During my free time, I enjoy watching comedies (movies and sitcoms) and playing sports.

Dr. Joseph W. Bennett

Joe got his Ph.D. with  Prof. Andrew M. Rappe (Chemistry, Penn) in 2009, co-advised by Peter Davies (Materials Science, Penn). Since then, he has gained significant experience as a postdoc with Karin Rabe (Rutgers), where he also collaborated with David Vanderbilt.  Joe has some industry experience, too, having worked on Zn-based aqueous batteries at Eos Energy Storage in Edison, NJ, and more recently, wastewater treatment at Aqua Vectors, Inc. in Long Island, NY.

Victoria Rivera

B. S. Chemistry, Math Minor, 2020, SUNY Geneseo
Joined group in January 2021

I'm from Rochester, New York, the same city as Prof. Sara Mason. I'm currently working in the Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology, investigating surface terminations and small ion adsorption on titanium carbide MXene surfaces. Outside of work I like to sleep in, cook Puerto Rican food, and dance.

Irene Metz

B.S. Chemistry 2007, minor in Spanish, Michigan Technological University, Houghton MI
M.S. Chemistry 2009, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Joined the group in Summer 2016

Sara E. Mason, Ph.D.

Sara E. Mason, Ph.D.


Ph.D. Chemistry 2007, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA
B.S. Chemistry 2001, minor in math, summa cum laude, St. John Fisher College, Rochester NY
A.A.S. Chemical Technology 1999, Monroe Community College, Rochester NY

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